The pharmaceutical industry washer-disinfector PH 840.2 Belimed Deutschland

The pharmaceutical industry washer-disinfector PH 840.2 Belimed Deutschland
PH 840.2

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Belimed's cleaning machine for pharmaceutical research and production features a compact design and meets FDA requirements. This high-end system has an innovative sliding door technology and smaller height and width to meets customer requests for a machine that does not take up a lot of space. The technical and service compartment is integrated to include the machine aggregates, detergent container storage, and every process-media connection. It is designed to clean trays, glassware, churns, drums, funnels, containers, tubes, parts of fill lines, fittings, pump parts, as well as other equipment.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:12:"Application:";s:3:"val";s:31:"for the pharmaceutical industry";}}
Edisonstr. 7 A,
84453 Mühldorf am Inn
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