Surgical laser / CO2 / on trolley SPECTRA SP™ Lutronic

Surgical laser / CO2 / on trolley SPECTRA SP™ Lutronic

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The Spectra SP, Channelling nature's energy to help you achieve better results. The Spectra SP is a compact, robust surgical CO2 Laser designed for use in multidisciplinary environments. As one of the best in its class, the Spectra SP can emit a beam as small as 50 ns allowing for more precise, bloodless surgical procedures and pinpoint ablation. Ideal for a wide range of surgical applications, one advantage of the Spectra SP is that unlike conventional CO2 lasers the Spectra SP can work at a pulse rate low as as 40 seconds. This reduced pulse rate virtually eliminates charring and results in greatly reduced post operative discomfort and faster healing. For many doctors the CO2 laser is one of the most useful and frequently used clinical devices in the practice so ease of use and reliability are essential. Again the Spectra SP from Lutronic delivers. Reliable, flexible and compact, the Spectra SP offers a rapid return on investment in a user-friendly compact package.
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