Strip reader multiparametric MULTICARE IN Biochemical Systems International

Strip reader multiparametric MULTICARE IN Biochemical Systems International

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The multiCare in works with capillary aspiration functions in mind and can take in many tests from a fingerprint just by changing its strip. This can work with regards to monitoring blood cholesterol, triglyceride and glucose levels in mind. This works with an external data-chip insertion setup and uses a large display. This uses an automatic switch that can work with a storage unit that can handle 500 test results and can review glucose levels from the past 7, 14, 21 and 28 days. This can also be easy to clean through a simple lower cover opening. This can handle many glucose electrode strips and can help diabetic patients with the self-checking functions to make it easier for patients to find information on blood glucose levels. This can be used after accurate training with a technician. Cholesterol strips may also be added to help test cholesterol levels in the bloodstream.
  • Applications:multiparametric
Via G. Ferraris, 220,
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