Radiofrequency ablation catheter / bidirectional AlCath Gold Biotronik

Radiofrequency ablation catheter / bidirectional AlCath Gold Biotronik
AlCath Gold

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The product has the capabilities in providing unique quality solutions for the therapy. Problem which is faced by the electrophysiologists is solved efficiently by the advanced technological product which provides superior performance and offers optimal and reliable results. The product is an exceptional steerable ablation catheter including an excellent electrode of gold tip. During treating the atrial flutter the positioning of the product can be stable and rapid which is enabled by the deflection of 270° by the product. Therapy of the ablation for right side is much effective and the safety of the ablation of left side is increased. The incidence of the thrombus is minimized by the gold electrode as compare to the platinum electrode while saline irrigated RF ablation. Convective cooling is better in gold catheters which provide more RF power delivery that offers deeper lesions. The success rate is more than 94% in inducing block of bidirectional isthmus.
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6024 Jean Rd,
Lake Oswego
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