Radiation therapy immobilizer / shoulder / head HeadSTEP™ Elekta

Radiation therapy immobilizer / shoulder / head HeadSTEP™ Elekta

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The HeadSTEP iFRAME based immobilization system provides one of the easiest to use devices available on the market. Its excellent robustness and quality guarantees precise and simple repositioning in routine cranial as well as head, neck and shoulder immobilization. The HeadSTEP system is designed to include the iCAST thermoplastic material and the disposable iFRAME. The HeadSTEP system uses a 23-step elevation mechanism, which permits immobilization at variable head angles without the use of wedges. It can be used on all commercially available couches and is also indexable for enhanced reproducibility. HeadSTEP iFRAME Advantages The iFRAME allows easy molding and symmetrical pull-down by one therapist. The joint of the wing shaped iFRAME is one of the great advantages of the system, combining the total coverage of the anterior, lateral and superior head regions with the iFRAME locked in the shaped channels, minimizing the rotation of the head in all three axes.
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Kungstensgatan 18,
SE-103 93
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