Pressure therapy unit, (physiotherapy) with leg garment comprimed® 6 Bösl Medizintechnik

Pressure therapy unit, (physiotherapy) with leg garment comprimed® 6 Bösl Medizintechnik
comprimed® 6

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Intermittent pneumatic compression has been fi rmly integrated into up-to-date therapy and prophylaxis of venous and lymphatic diseases, in clinical, ambulant and domestic fields. Its effectiveness is demonstrated and documented in numerous studies. The gentle and quickly noticeable effects of gradient systems make them one of today’s preferential therapy devices. The 6-chamber-system comprimed® GRADIENT has its focal point in the treatment of venous oedema and minor lymphatic oedema. Pneumatic pressurization combined with the gradient principle shows quick results. Gradient pressure generates a physiologically effi cient pressure decline. Thus the fl uid mobilized in the high pressure range (100%) may pass unhamperedly through the low pressure levels (80% and 60%).
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:5:"Type:";s:3:"val";s:39:"pressure therapy unit, with leg garment";}}
Charlottenburger Allee 13,
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