Pocket dermatoscope 10x | HEINE MINI3000® Heine

Pocket dermatoscope 10x | HEINE MINI3000® Heine
10x | HEINE MINI3000®

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HEINE mini 3000® Dermatoscope is a modern compact dermatoscope designed with superior quality optics. The product has a magnifying power of 10x with focusing optics.It has a connecting thread of metal and can work only with the mini 3000 handle system. The handles come in black or blue color. The device contains xenon halogen bulbs which gives precise bright white light to give steady illumination with accurate color rendering. It has a guarantee of 20,000 ON and OFF switch cycles. Superior quality color-neutral optic system with achromatic lenses gives clear and fine images of the entire field under observation. The product contains five contact plates for the observation and provides an option to select from contact plates with and without scale which can be autoclaved. The exclusive little contact plate is used for observation of lesions which are tough to access. The product comes with replaceable batteries of size AA or rechargeable battery with mini NT table charger. The product has a detailed dermoscopy compendium. The product is laden with Award-winning design which has utmost quality and minimal dimensions.
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Arzbacher Str. 80,
56130 Bad Ems
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