Pharyngoscope video endoscope flexia Inventis

Pharyngoscope video endoscope flexia Inventis

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Get a compact, complete system with the Flexia CMOS chip-on-the-tip video nasopharyngoscope. Featuring high-powered LED illuminatino and a state-of-the-art CMOS chip, you'll obtain exceptional sharp, bright, high-resolution images of over 80,000 pixels with this device, five times more than classical fiber optics nasopharyngoscopes. The system includes everything you'll need in a convenient, durable aluminum case that's useful for traveling, so you won't need to worry about cameras, cables, light sources or adapters. The high-quality hand-piece connects to Flexia's control unit, which includes two video outputs. Connect to a standard display using the analog output, or interface with any Windows computer using the Daisy software suite when you connect to the digital USB output.
  • Type of endoscope:pharyngoscope
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