Not absorbable cannulated bone screw BAUMER 4.5mm BAUMER

Not absorbable cannulated bone screw BAUMER 4.5mm BAUMER
BAUMER 4.5mm

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4,5mm Cannulated Screw: - Large fragmentos. - Several lengths. - Partial thread. - Self-tapping screw. - Use with 7,0mm washer. - Head with 8mm. Raw Material: TITANIUM - Ti 6Al 4V - ELI - ISO 5832-3 / ASTM F 136
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:14:"Resorbability:";s:3:"val";s:14:"not absorbable";}}
Av. Arnolfo de Azevedo, 210 Pacaembu,
01236-000 São Paulo - SP
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