Non-mydriatic retinal camera (ophthalmic examination) DRS CenterVue

Non-mydriatic retinal camera (ophthalmic examination) DRS CenterVue

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DRS is a fully automated device designed ergonomically designed for a wide range of digital retinal imaging. The device is installed with a software-guided operation for a user friendly procedures and improves practice efficiency. The innovative device enables an easy digital retinal imaging using operation of touch-screen interference with minimal training all at a effective cost. The compact device can be easily connected to web for transferring images through net and enable synchronization with ipad for remote viewing. DRS is capable of carrying large-scale screening programs providing an essential key for prevention against diabetes-induced vision impairments which if neglected might lead to blindness. DRS with its fully automated operation can be operated using its intuitive touch-screen interface with minimal training. The compact device with low power flash ensures patient's comfort. The device maximizes patient's flow and supports single- or multi-field acquisition protocols, providing seven different, standardized, 45° fields.
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