Laboratory water purifier / reverse osmosis Purewater 300 Purite

Laboratory water purifier / reverse osmosis Purewater 300 Purite
Purewater 300

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Purite, known for their superior-quality water purification systems and excel in terms of being reliable, brings Purewater 300, specifically designed to be used with laboratory glassware washing-machines. It delivers rinse water with a purity 1M?.cm above, at a flow-rate of maximum value 48 liters per hour. Select Purewater 300 is easy to maintain, simple to use, robust and compact, incorporating ion-exchange deionization technology, reverse osmosis and proven pre-treatment. These ensure a consistent and reliable supply of purified water. Standard connections associated with the unit helps in quick installation, with high flow outlet. This flow outlet perfectly and easily fits to most glassware washing machines that use a typical gravity feed. Purewater 300 is equipped with a conventional integral tank of 20 liter or can be supplied with optional external 100 or 50 liter tank to provide extra capacity. The water purifying system can also be attached with an optional boost pump in order to ensure ideal performance all the time, especially in the areas which have an incoming feed water pressure less than 4 bar.
  • Medical establishment:laboratory
  • Purification technique:reverse osmosis
Bandet Way,
Thame, Oxon
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