Intensive care bed / electrical / height-adjustable / 4 sections multicare wissner-bosserhoff

Intensive care bed / electrical / height-adjustable / 4 sections multicare wissner-bosserhoff

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In an intensive care unit, everything has to be just right This not only refers to the specially trained staff and to a higher level of attention for the patient, but in particular to the medical equipment in the ward, which should enable or support the thoroughness and focus of the personnel. multicare is a highly modern ICU bed of supreme quality, which not only meets these demands, but exceeds them by systematically taking the strain off the nursing staff. Furthermore, it can even actively contribute to the recovery process and offers unparalleled functionality: Lateralisation on the intensive care unit is a function that not only reduces strain in everyday nursing, but also speeds up the patient’s recovery. The multicare provides automatic kinetic therapy up to 30°, so that lateral tilting can be set to programmable cycles.
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Hauptstr. 4-6,
58739 Wickede / Ruhr
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