Instrument kit Spengler SAS

Instrument kit Spengler SAS
Spengler SAS

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Composition : 1 pair of operating scissors B/S, 14 cm 1 straight Iris scissors, 11,5 cm 1 straight dissecting forceps without teeth, 14 cm 1 straight dissecting forceps with teeth, 14 cm 1 straight Kocher forceps with teeth, 14 cm 1 curved Halstead forceps without teeth, 13 cm 1 straight Halstead forceps with teeth, 13 cm 1 director and tongue tie, 14 cm 1 straight Mayo Hegar needle-holder, 14 cm 1 N°3 scalpel handle 5 N°11 scalpel blades 1 splint forceps, 10 cm 1 Probe with thread, 14 cm
190, rue Paul Langevin ZAC La Robole,
13856 Aix-en-Provence
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