Hydrometer digital / laboratory TURBOSCAN BIOTEC-FISCHER

Hydrometer digital / laboratory TURBOSCAN BIOTEC-FISCHER

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The new generation of densitometers Once again Biotec-Fischer is leading the way in modern analysis technology with the digital analysis system TurboScan. No other system offers comparable flexibility and comfort. The TurboScan translates users' expectations of a densitometer into reality. Non-essential gadgets have deliberately been left out. Functionality, reliability and operator comfort are the maxims. Universal use In terms of flexibility, TurboScan puts all previous systems in the shade. It allows you to create as many individually generated scan masks as you wish. You can also select as many analysis methods as you wish. No other system offers so many options. In clinical work, for example, you can use TurboScan for analysis in the following applications: serum pro-tein electrophoresis, lipo-protein electrophoresis, haemoglobin elec-trophoresis, Hb-A1 electropho-resis, urine electrophoresis, CSF electro-phoresis, Bence-Jones, iso-enzymes, immuno-fixation, iso-electric focusing, multifractional electrophoresis, blots and lots more. It does not matter wether you carry out your methods on dry or wet cellulose acetate strips, on agarose and on other gels or you work with micro, semi-micro or macro application. Digital image analys TurboScan uses the latest digital image analysis technology. The advantages to you are obvious: analysis only takes a fraction of the time and the results obtained are reliable with excellent reproducibi-lity. At the same time TurboScan is based on commercial hardware components. The advantage to you - you can use existing PC hardware and save costs.
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Daimlerstraße 6,,
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