Hospital bed mattress / anti-decubitus / foam / dynamic air 20 - 200 kg | TubusAir 18/4 Savatech d.o.o.

Hospital bed mattress / anti-decubitus / foam / dynamic air 20 - 200 kg | TubusAir 18/4 Savatech d.o.o.
20 - 200 kg | TubusAir 18/4

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This anti-decubitus mattress is 20 cm high and can replace a common mattress. The air cell pressure is lower and does not exceed the medium capillary pressure of 25mmHg, which provides superior pressure relief of the patient’s subcutaneous tissue. The mattress is, therefore, suitable not only for prophylactic treatments of severely affected patients but also for curative treatments in serious cases of chronic pressure ulcer. The air cell pressure adjusts automatically according to each individual patient’s weight, height and position. The mattress is composed of 18 transversal inflatable air cells, which inflate and deflate in alternating intervals. To reach an optimum result, the treatment is carried out with pressure alternating in every fourth air cell, thereby assuring excellent pressure relief of the patient’s subcutaneous tissue. The treatment cycle can be set between 20 and 60 minutes. The head zone is static for patient’s comfort. Each air cell is separately attached to the basis; if one air cell is damaged it can be easily replaced. The Dynamic TubusAir 18/4-side mattress enables turning a patient from side to side, either left or right, to additionally relieve pressure on the back for a certain period of time. The patient?s comfort is further enhanced by internal cooling and air circulation, respectively. The mattress includes a 5 cm foam layer.
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Skofjeloska Cesta 6,
4000 Kranj
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