Hospital bed / electrical / on casters / Trendelenburg 700 series Doimo Mis srl

Hospital bed / electrical / on casters / Trendelenburg 700 series Doimo Mis srl
700 series

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The 700 series is represented by an electric bed of innovative design with telescopic columns that allows to have a totally free and clean lines base. The four section platform, with removable moulded plastic panels, is designed to enhance patient comfort during any articulation movements: when raised, the backrest translation provide support to the patient?s head by reducing the compressive forces to the sacred; the seat section is sized to allow a correct posture when adjusting the different sections while the lower leg section movement is achieved by a continuously adjustable gas spring with lock against rotation. Electric actuators control height adjustment, trendelenburg and reversetrendelenburg movements, and platform articulations.
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Via Mazzini, 3,
33070 Maron di Brugnera (PN)
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