Gel documentation system with built-in camera for electrophoresis BDA live Analytik Jena

Gel documentation system with built-in camera for electrophoresis BDA live Analytik Jena
BDA live

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The BDA live is the most popular choice for professional gel documentation, due in part to a digital CCD camera with a light-sensitive lens. The camera has a 1.4 megapixel resolution and a data depth of 12 bit, which make it perfect for precise band detection and correct sample quantification. The software that is included with the system is extremely user-friendly and creating high contrast images can be completed in just a few steps. The image acquisition software still allows for the control of the following: exposure time, brightness, contrast, gamma corruption, signal enhancement, gel rotation, live and freeze views, inverting, saturation monitoring,image sections, loading and saving files, and printing. Additional features include light-sensitive scientific-grade CCD camera, high-resolution camera of 1.4 MP and high-quality zoom lens, a large range of 12 big for 4096 grey levels, and strong bioDocAnalyze analysis software.
  • Options:with built-in camera for electrophoresis
Konrad-Zuse-Straße 1,
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