Embolization coil Axium™ MicroFX™ Covidien

Embolization coil Axium™ MicroFX™ Covidien
Axium™ MicroFX™

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Featuring LatticeFX™ technology the Axium™ MicroFX™ coils are designed using similar standards as the detachable line of the Axium™ coil family. They are intended to augment tissue response in the treatment of aneurysms without reducing the effectiveness of the performance of the coil. They are available in two configurations: Nylon and PGLA. Microfilaments come enlaced through the coil so as to protect and preserve the packing capacity of the coil. Enhancement by the microfilaments in tissue coagulation response is done by the creation of larger and interconnected aneurysmal surface area. This promotes stability in the scar creation and timely hemostasis, and promotes cell connection and migration of cells as the wounds heal. Also, this ensures orientation of cell adhesion as well as extracellular deposition.
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