Disposable emergency immobilizer 756 Spencer Italia

Disposable emergency immobilizer 756 Spencer Italia

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In order to achieve an efficient immobilization of the head, the emergency service professionals and bio engineers use an advanced device, 756 head immobilizer. The main ingredient of the equipment is semi-rigid polypropylene. The device if merged with a cervical collar, assures complete immobilization of the cervical column while the patient is being transferred or transported. As it needs only a few seconds to apply, it is very user friendly. Its compact design helps to store it in minimum space and can be used in immediate situations. The cell-like polypropylene makes the structure. Polyurethane foam helps in expansion while the device immediately decreases patient’s fear and sense of claustrophobia. It is light and easy to handle and can be adjusted to any head or neck shape. As the device is X-ray compatible, there is no need to remove it for X-rays and CAT scan investigations. Device is available in one size, applicable to both adults and children.
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Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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