Digital electromyograph / portable / computer-based / 16-channel BTS FREEEMG 1000 BTS S.p.A

Digital electromyograph / portable / computer-based / 16-channel BTS FREEEMG 1000 BTS S.p.A

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The functional electromyographic evaluation of walking, easy like never before. BTS FREEWALK is a system for the walking functional evaluation providing objective and quantitative data related to muscles activity and kinematic parameters. The dynamic EMG analysis allows performing out a functional evaluation of muscular chains activation in a non-invasive way. BTS FREEWALK provides directions about time, duration and amplitude of muscular activations during walking. Furthermore the spatio-temporal parameters allow for a motor capabilities objective analysis and treatments results assessment, for the functional evaluation of both neurological and orthopedic patients. With BTS FREEWALK gait analysis can take place everywhere, like in the ambulatory, directly in the hospital ward or in the gym.
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Viale Forlanini, 40,
Garbagnate Milanese (MI)
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