Diagnostic software / monitoring / medical imaging / hospital TIMS Consultant TIMS Medical

Diagnostic software / monitoring / medical imaging / hospital TIMS Consultant TIMS Medical
TIMS Consultant

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Real-time teleradiology Transmit any live medical imaging modality or procedure over networks Includes high resolution 1080p video Multiple sources & multiple clients per system Live sub-specialty consulting Live tele-mentoring Live teaching & training Live telestrating & annotating Monitoring The TIMS Consultant is a patent pending, networked system that allows physicians, technicians, & sub-specialty consultants at various physical locations to view and participate in a live medical or diagnostic imaging procedure. Multiple medical video sources and multiple client viewing stations are featured with every TIMS Consultant system. For example, during a fluoroscopy procedure, the live fluoroscopy video from a hospital is available to multiple TIMS Consultant Client viewing computers both within the hospital network and outside the hospital network using encryption technology. During the live TIMS Consultant session, participants can telestrate and annotate on the live video for emphasis and training purposes. The live video signal from any medical modality can be transmitted in real-time, including high resolution color 1080p HD video from operating room endoscopes. As another example, sub-specialty consultants or hospital group radiologists can be monitoring several medical modalities at once. And they can participate remotely in the diagnostic imaging procedures in real-time.
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1 Executive Drive, Suite 202,
Chelmsford, MA
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