Diagnostic audiometer (audiometry) / audiometer / digital SA 203-IV Entomed

Diagnostic audiometer (audiometry) / audiometer / digital SA 203-IV Entomed
SA 203-IV

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SA 203 is a manual / automatic, true two channel, diagnostic audiometer with full frequency and output range together with synchronized masking possibility. SA 203 is digital and RoHS compatible and thus, well adapted to the modern user and environmental concerns. SA 203 is user friendly, robust, reliable and yet affordable. Free-field system is optional with the SA 203. Combine your choice of audiometric earphones making masking an easier task. These features and the storage capacity of 50 audiograms make this system very flexible and optimal in determine the necessity of further examination. SA 203 is NOAH compatible when using the Entomed Audi-Link for NOAH3.
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Jägersrovägen 204 SE-213 77,
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