Dermatological laser / diode POLYLASER DERMA RJ-LASER Reimers & Janssen GmbH

Dermatological laser / diode POLYLASER DERMA RJ-LASER Reimers & Janssen GmbH

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The anti aging Polylaser is available in three different variants - derma, brush and trion and is a multi cluster standalone probe that is perfectly suited for large area therapy. These instruments are extremely powerful, efficient and easy to use. A special high definition foil blankets the section of the laser diodes for excellent laser effects. This also results in improved therapy owing to the reduced loss of photon energy. An increased number of photons penetrate through the skin due to their reflection and multiplication. Additionally, all three versions of the anti aging Polylaser are boast an ergonomic design and are extremely lightweights resulting in rather effortless work process. A 25 cm2 area is irradiated with just 12 laser diodes efficiently and quickly, making them an ideal tool for joints, treating wounds, reflex zones among others.
  • Application:dermatological
  • Amplifying medium:diode
Fabrikstr. 22,
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