Dental unit compressor / medical POWER AIR 100 / 30SH TANDEM Ritter Concept GmbH

Dental unit compressor / medical POWER AIR 100 / 30SH TANDEM Ritter Concept GmbH

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designed for a maximum of reliability Based on worldwide experience, Ritter extensive range of products covers any air requirement in a modern dental clinic - no matter whether the clinic has one or more dental units. Ritters Clean Oil-less Compressors supply 100% oil-free air to the dental office environment. Ritter guarantees the clean, dry air you expect from a high performance drying system. Filters for steril air and medical air are available. Ritter actually offers one of the largest dental compressors range from 0,5 HP to 10 HP. The compressors are designed for heavy duty cycle. Silence versions are available, with acoustic cover or in cabinets. Versions without acoustic covers are up to 100% duty cycle. We're focused entirely on your needs as a dental professional: High reliability and low maintenance many different models available
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Grüner Weg 32,
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