Dental prophylaxis contra-angle / disposable Classic Elite Flex™ Young

Dental prophylaxis contra-angle / disposable Classic Elite Flex™ Young
Classic Elite Flex™

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For the hygienist who prefers a softer cup with the benefits of external ridges, the Elite Flex™ is the perfect choice! This latex free cup is 25% softer than the Elite Original™, designed to provide greater flex and flare around the contours of a patient’s tooth. The external ridges featured on this cup are designed to provide hygienists with better interproximal cleaning, exceptional stain removal, and improved splatter control. Clinicians can also use the outside of the cup to access lingual and buccal regions.
  • Application domain:for dental prophylaxis
  • Other characteristics:disposable
13705 Shoreline Ct E,
Earth City
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