CPAP ventilator / with heated humidifier TNI® 20 oxy TNI medical

CPAP ventilator / with heated humidifier TNI® 20 oxy TNI medical
TNI® 20 oxy

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TNI® 20 oxy is a kind of therapy with the help of nasal insufflation. It is a ventilation system best for home care treatment of respiratory insufficiency, such as COPD. The product is designed to increased quality of life due to new high-flow respiratory support system. The TNI®20 oxy provides 5 to 20 liters/minute of a warm, humidified air-oxygen mixture through an applicator into the patients nose. During treatment the nose is not blocked which ensures easy breathing. TNI therapy is a possible addition to LTOT and a new optional alternative to mask ventilation, which is free from any side effects.
a:1:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:17:"Ventilation mode:";s:3:"val";s:4:"CPAP";}}
Hofmannstr. 8,
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