Clean room shower / air LockLine Ortner Reinraumtechnik

Clean room shower / air LockLine Ortner Reinraumtechnik

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A new generation of air locks proves that efficiency, security, science and design can complement each other perfectly. Ortner’s Air Decontamination Locks are amongst the classic equipment in cleanrooms. The concept is based on a long-term scientific project: It was found that in order to ensure efficient cleaning of the particles, a specific angle and position of the nozzle outlet is critical. A refined particle delamination technology was developed especially for the new generation of Ortner’s air locks. The result speaks for itself: 99,994% cleaning efficiency. Apart from these technological features, Ortner also focuses on the smart design of its air locks, perfectly suitable for everyday use. Ortner offers a variety of process designs, all easily adaptable to the customer’s environment. This ensures not only security, efficiency and design, but also maximum flexibility.
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