Chorionic villus sampling needle VILLORAM RI.MOS

Chorionic villus sampling needle VILLORAM RI.MOS

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For transabdominal sampling of chorionic villi (usually perfomed between 10th and 12th pregnancy week) in case of suspected chromosomal and genetic abnormalities of the foetus. It is also used for cytogenetic studies. The accurate sharpening of the needles allows an easy and atraumatic insertion. The mandrels are provided with an ultrasound detectable tip allowing an echo-guided insertion. The needle is provided with an adjustable stopper to determine insertion depth, and with a female luer lock connector to collect the chorionic villi through a syringe. They are provided with a protection cap for a safer operational handling.
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Viale Gramsci, 29,
41037 Mirandola (MO)
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