CAD/CAM milling machine / 4-axis charlydental 4X V2 CHARLYROBOT SAS

CAD/CAM milling machine / 4-axis charlydental 4X V2 CHARLYROBOT SAS
charlydental 4X V2

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Charlydental 4X V2 is a versatile dental solution that gives users the necessary tools to deliver serial production of dental prostheses. These productions can be done on soft materials and the results are aligned with the 25 years of experience and advanced testing that have been incorporated into the Charlyrobot which pays a pivotal role in manufacturing digital industrial milling equipment. The Premium CN milling machine comes with double disk storage and is available in two versions. It can complete many tasks such as milling of frameworks and dental prostheses or creating moulds by skeletonized by milling of wax. The cost- benefit balance in the Charlydental 4X V2 is clearly seen in the low cost and high daily production that is guaranteed. The device has modern outline, design and compact dimensions for efficient space usage in dental prostheses. The operating cost is low.
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