Breast tissue expander Polytech Health & Aesthetics

Breast tissue expander Polytech Health & Aesthetics
Polytech Health & Aesthetics

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These mammary expanders are made to increase breast tissue sizes after a mastectomy. This is to rebuild the tissue area. This is properly shaped and is made to support items in the Sublime Line of implants including the Meme, Opticon, Optimam and Replicon implants. This expander can also be added on the lower end of the breast. The PolyTxt surface is used with either a remote injection port on the Meme model or with ports with magnets on the other models; all ports are fully integrated and will stay within the body to keep on working. These expanders come in many sizes and are fully reinforced to make sure the tissues are still and steady within the body, thus supporting expansion procedures without potentially risking the patient's body.
  • Area of the body:breast
Altheimer Strasse 32,
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