Blood pressure measurement training simulator 6940.24 Altay Scientific

Blood pressure measurement training simulator 6940.24 Altay Scientific

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A simulator for teaching physical assessment, this Blood Pressure Simulator helps resolve the uncertainties common in teaching students to take blood pressure. Improved features include: Redesigned and durable control unit Simple calibration procedure Palpable radial pulse Optional external speakers This lifelike simulator allows the presetting of values for both systolic and diastolic pressures. Provides an excellent means to practice listening to and distinguishing blood pressure sounds prior to actual clinical experience. It is possible to audibly discern the five Korotkoff phases. Many times when working with a live subject, pressures are difficult to auscultate, making accurate evaluation of student proficiency almost impossible, and undermining the student’s self-confidence. With this realistic unit, the student can find the preset results and the instructor can unfailingly know if the student has performed the procedure accurately. The electronically generated sounds are digitally recorded.
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Viale Umberto Tupini 105,
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