Bed head unit with light / smart Hill-Rom® Hill-Rom

Bed head unit with light / smart Hill-Rom® Hill-Rom

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The Hill-Rom Medical Headboard is designed with a comfortable appearance that protects the wall and keeps a bed properly oriented. It uses a shoulder-less body for bariatric beds and can get any color to work inside the headboard. In addition, it can be powered with a normal power source as well as low voltage and emergency outlets. The board uses angled sides to make the device capable of handling many services while keeping cords and other devices from being damaged. There is no need to reach or bend to get to any of the items here. Also, the user does not have to crawl down in order to plug a bed into other kinds of medical devices in the room.
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Gustav Mahlerplein 93-95 22nd, Floor,
1082 MS Amsterdam
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