Automatic microbiology analyzer ThunderBolt ASI™ Arlington Scientific

Automatic microbiology analyzer ThunderBolt ASI™ Arlington Scientific
ThunderBolt ASI™

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World's First Automated Nontreponemal RPR Analyzer Arlington Scientific, Inc. brings state-of-the-art digital technology and full automation to serology testing. The ThunderBolt ASI is a fully automated diagnostic and screening assay for syphilis. Follow the CDC recommended nontreponemal algorithm (RPR/VDRL) while providing objective, standardized test interpretation with the benefits of full automation and data management. Utilizes the proprietary ASI Agglutination Serology Interpretation™ software. Features Load and walk away automation Utilizes ASI automated test for syphilis 192 specimen capacity 48 well microtiter plate 480 and 4800 test kits available Small bench top footprint (2 x 2) Optimize labor resources Objective and standardized results Throughput - 140 Tests/Hour
1840 North Technology Drive,
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