Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access 1040 tests/h | XL-1000 erba diagnostics Mannheim

Automatic biochemistry analyzer / random access 1040 tests/h | XL-1000 erba diagnostics Mannheim
1040 tests/h | XL-1000

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This machine uses racks to load its samples into. As opposed to other automatic analyzers, this system uses an automatic method instead of manual loading, which enhaces precision. This machine can run up to 1,040 tests per hour. It has special probes to detect clotting and vertical obstructions. It boasts hard glass cuvettes which don't require replacement for up to 5 years. The machine can automatically rerun tests and dilution. It also offers reflex testing. It offers direct ISE measurement for Na/K/Cl/Li. An extensive quality control menu is also available.
a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:24:"Options and accessories:";s:3:"val";s:13:"random access";}i:1;a:2:{s:4:"name";s:10:"Operation:";s:3:"val";s:9:"automatic";}}
Mallaustr. 69-73,
68219 Mannheim
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