Analysis software / reporting / for cardiology / medical SUITESTENSA CVIS PACS ESAOTE

Analysis software / reporting / for cardiology / medical SUITESTENSA CVIS PACS ESAOTE

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THE NEW CARDIOLOGY COMPREHENSIVE APPROACH By encompassing all cardiology specialties into one single platform, SUITESTENSA allows for achieving a better workflow from patient admission to exam execution, reporting and distribution. SUITESTENSA cardiology folder contains all exams performed in the cardiology department: cath-lab, echo, ECG, EP, and can be connected to other diagnostic examinations to get the entire clinical history of a patient simply as just one click. Further, administrative data can be managed with the same software, thus automating many of today cost-consuming and manual operations. • Just one single application solution for imaging departments • A vendor-neutral approach: modality-and-film independent • Multi-modality imaging management • Interactive structured report production • 2D, 3D & 4D advanced clinical packages for image processing and reconstruction • Tight integration with HISs (ADT, EPR, Repositories, etc.) • Integration with Hospital Information Systems and modalities via HL7, DICOM 3.0 and FDA-XML • Availability of patient folder through MPI – Master Patient Index • Images and information access over local or remote networks
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via Siffredi 58,
Genova (GE)
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