Aluminum backboard stretcher / folding 150 Kg | Porta Loc Spencer Italia

Aluminum backboard stretcher / folding 150 Kg | Porta Loc Spencer Italia
150 Kg | Porta Loc

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Spencer Porta Loc is an emergency stretcher that is used widely in hospitals, clinics and labs. The resin finish and the extrusions on the handle make it easy to grasp, even for sweaty hands. There are three sliding guides which will make it easier to lift heavy people and without the threat of slipping. In order to ensure the patient stays on the stretcher and not slide down, there are two strong patient restraints. Another attractive feature of the board is that it can be folded in half and stored away. Maintenance is minimal as it is easy to clean and does not absorb liquids.
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Strada Cavi, 7
Collecchio (PR)
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