3D display / LCD / surgical 24" | LMD-2451MT Sony

3D display / LCD / surgical 24" | LMD-2451MT Sony
24" | LMD-2451MT

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Featuring Sony 3D technology, this LMD-2451MT high-definition medical monitor captures surgical microscope and endoscope procedures. It displays clear 3D pictures so surgeons can confidently perform intricate procedures by benefiting from full spatial orientation and depth perception. The monitor's 24" LCD panel combines with Sony's 3D technology to display the crisp, sharp images. As an added benefit, surgeons can wear comfortable, lightweight polarized glasses to have an uninterrupted view of multiple monitors. This time-saving, practical device also features a user-memory function, ChromaTRU technology and chroma phase control to provide optimal images and give surgeons the most reliable representation possible.
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The Heights, Brooklands,
KT13 0XW Weybridge, Surrey

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