New Life Radiology S.r.l is a company created in 1990, whose main activity consists in the production, marketing and support of devices intended for the radiology field.

In the last few years, it's activity has strengthened to become a significant presence both on the National and on the

International market . The setting up of a business strategy built on a sales network has brought the Company's presence in the market through a sales network composed of dealers.

Since it's constitution, the company has always been very focussed on the customer's needs, product quality and service: in 1994 it started to set up its organization through the ISO 9002 Quality System to ensure performance continuity through continuous improvement.

In 1997 it obtained from the Notified Body IMQ-CSQ (IQNET) the ISO 9002 certification, marking an important step in the recognition of it's quality system. After this first phase, procedures have been activated for certifying the products and extending the System Quality certification under the EN 46002 rule obtained in June 1998 in line with the expiry intended by the implementation of the CE 93/42 medical devices directive for the CE Medical Devices.