HealthManagement, Volume 3 / Issue 5 / 2008

Telemedmeeting 2008

The Fondation franco-suisse pour la Recherche et la Technologie is organizing the 2nd edition of the TelemedMeeting 2008, to take place on the 14th of Novembre in Genève-Archamps.


Organized under the form of workshops, Telemed- Meeting 2008 aims to gather players from different e-Health systems to exchange ideas and bestpractices in the field. In addition, the event points at the needs and expectations of each individual player as well as at the utility and efficiency of the NTIC in the current health systems.


These workshops will follow the following axes:

Ó expectations and needs of the users (healthcare professionals),

Ó expectations and needs of the industry and researchers,

Ó expectations and needs of patients,

Ó expectations and needs of public institutions.


Each workshop will open with a short presentation by each of the speakers and will be followed with discussions/open debates.


For more information, please visit: