HealthManagement, Volume 4 / Issue 5 / 2009
The World of Health IT Conference and Exhibition is a leading platform for ehealth in Europe, convening major stakeholders from the Healthcare IT community to engage in knowledge sharing, networking with peers and learning about the latest healthcare IT trends, challenges and solutions.
In 2010, The World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition (WoHIT) will for the first time be held in conjunction with the European Union’s annual High Level e- Health Conference in Barcelona on 15- 18 March 2010. The union of these two high calibre events presents vast opportunities for delegates and exhibitors in terms of education, exhibition and networking. March 15th will feature an invitation only ministerial day, hosted by the Spanish EU Presidency, the European Commission, and the Regional Government of Catalonia. The 16-18th of March will be open to all delegates.
This unique combined event is being organised by the European Commission, HIMSS Europe, the Spanish Ministry of Health and Social Policy, the Regional Government of Catalonia and Foundation TicSalut. The objective is to create one European high level platform for stakeholders sharing the common goal of advancing e-health in Europe.
Who should attend?
Ó CIO and other C-suite executives;
Ó Senior managers;
Ó High-level government officials;
Ó Academics;
Ó Healthcare practitioners, including doctors and specialists, and
Ó IT professionals
The conference is expected to attract more than 2,500 delegates and 60 local, European and international exhibitors.
Conference themes include:
Ó e-health for Sustainable Healthcare Delivery;
Ó e-health Addressing Global Challenges through Local Actions;
Ó e-health works: Here is the Evidence;
Ó e-health Market: Past and Prospects, and
Ó e-health User Platform
For more information, please visit: