HealthManagement, Volume 4 / Issue 3 / 2009

The European Commission has launched the Lead Market Initiative (LMI) for Europe, following the European Union’s 2006 Broad Based Innovation Strategy. Its aim is to encourage the emergence of lead markets of high economic and societal value. The initiative has six markets, one of which is e-health due to its market potential in terms of growing demand and market growth opportunities, changing demographics and disease patterns, and healthcare capabilities.


The LMI for e-health consist of a roadmap of policy recommendations for the period 2008 - 2010, which has been developed by the European Commission in collaboration with representatives from several DGs.


The action plan is focusing on the challenges of:

Ó Market fragmentation and lack of interoperability

Ó Lack of legal certainty

Ó Insufficient availability of financial support and

Ó Procurement issues.


Twenty measurable actions are being prepared in order to tackle the four above-mentioned obstacles on the ehealth development.


For more information on the initiative please visit: