
Volume 4 / Issue 4 / 2009

Sat, 4 Apr 2009


In this Issue

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  • Editorial Board
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  • Letter from the Executive Director and Editor-in-Chief, HITM

    Dear Reader, As you are well aware, the IT@ Networking Awards 2009 is fast approaching. 79 excellent submissions have exceeded our expectations by far. Only 30 could make it into the first round MINDBYTE Sessions as NOMINEE, leaving us with top quality projects and an astounding rejection rate of over 60 percent for a first-time event. Please show your support for HITM by attending the most innovat...



  • The European Associations of Healthcare IT Managers

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) is a non-profit pan-European umbrella association of all relevant national healthcare IT associations in Europe. Believing in the fundamental importance of unifying healthcare IT professionals at European and global levels, HITM is committed to increasing the professional authority and responsibility of healthcare IT managers and representing thei...

  • Siemens

    Centre Hospitalier De Luxembourg Chooses Bilingual IT Solution from Siemens Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL) is in the process of installing the basis module of the hospital information system (HIS) by Siemens for more than 1,400 users. The software solution is a hospital information system fully integrated into SAP for Healthcare. The Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg incl...

  • Orion, Cisco

    New Medical Data Exchange Solution by Orion Health and Cisco The two companies recently unveiled a new medical data exchange solution to integrate, share and report public health data at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Public Health Information Network PHIN Conference 2009, in Atlanta. Rhapsody AXP has been created to address current challenges in public health reporting and to improve...

  • Intersystem

    Jersey Choose Intersystems Trakcare for Island-Wide Integrated Care Record Jersey Health and Social Services Department has selected InterSystems TrakCare™ to facilitate an island-wide Integrated Care Record supporting its acute, community, mental health and social care services. Key deliverables within the first phase of this project include the Trak- Care Patient Administration System, Maternit...

  • IBM

    IBM Software to Protect Patients in the Event of Medical Device Recalls Implanet, a manufacturer of implantable medical devices, has selected IBM sensor technology as the foundation for BeepN'Track, a new service that traces the movement of Implanet's products – including knee and hip implants - across its supply chain to hospitals. The products are completely traceable allowing the easy identifi...

  • New Associate Member

    ESEM, the European Society for Engineering and Medicine HITM is proud to announce a new Associate Member: ESEM, the European Society for Engineering and Medicine “Educating students and professionals in bridging the disciplines”. Focus of ESEM: 1. Educating professionals in bridging healthcare and engineering by: ÓOrganising discussion symposia on controversial topics in BME, Ó Organisi...

  • Germany

    Ten Point Plan for Medical Technology BVMed has published a ten-point plan for the care of patients with advanced medical technology as a basis for health policy discussions due to take place in the coming months along with the German Bundestag election campaign. The ten points are: 1. The quality rating of medical devices must be demonstrated by means of the CE quality mark; 2. Access to medic...

  • Sweden

    Public Procurement of Innovation Public Procurement of Innovation conference will take place in Stockholm, Sweden on 13 October 2009. The conference will discuss and illustrate Public Procurement of Innovations, PPI, within the Life Science sector. The aim is also to inform about the possibilities with PPI and show a more advantageous way to make use of public means. Due to the changes in population and...

  • IT@Networking Awards 2009

    The IT@ Networking Awards 2009 (IT@2009) aims to select outstanding European healthcare IT solution in hospitals and healthcare facilities and bring them to the pan-European stage. The event will take place in Brussels from 29 - 30 October 2009. The attendees will consist of CEOs, CIOs, hospital and healthcare IT Managers, physicians with an interest in IT, members of the European Parliament, civil s...

  • Medica

    MEDICA, one of the world’s largest medical trade fairs and congresses will take place 18-21 November in Dusseldorf in Germany. 2009 is extra-special as MEDICA celebrates its fortieth anniversary. The fair is an opportunity for decision makers from across the world to come and discover the latest technologies and innovations, for professional development, networking and discovery. Focal themes at ME...

  • Semantic Interoperability Workshop

    The ontology-driven Semantic Interoperability Workshop in ehealth was organised on June 22-23 in the framework of the epSOS project. The goal of this meeting was to advance the evolution of e-health systems in the direction of semantic interoperability. The use and integration of terminologies and associated coding systems as well as ontology-based knowledge representation were two key topics of the worksh...

  • Baltic Conference on E-Health

    The European Association of Healthcare IT Managers (HITM) and their official journal, Healthcare IT Management were proud supporters of the third Baltic Conference on e-health that took place this September under the patronage of Ulla Schmidt, German Federal Minister of Health. The theme was cross-border healthcare and the event made possible a crosssector forum for healthcare providers from Germany, Polan...


EU News

  • The 'Virtual Human' Healthcare Model

    A pan-European personalised healthcare project entitled the Virtual Physiological Human (VPH) Human Network of Excellence (NoE) may be about to revolutionise healthcare treatment and diagnosis. The 72 million euro project is funded under the ICT Theme of the Seventh Framework Programme (FP7). It aims to help support and progress European research in biomedical modelling and simulation of the human bo...

  • E-Health on Track According to the European Commission

    The European Commission has published an update on its Lead Market Initiative (LMI) for e-health. The report indicates that it is too early to notice any market growth as a result of the LMI activities. E-Health was chosen to be one of the six markets of the LMI due to its market potential in terms of growing demand and market growth opportunities, changing demographics, disease patterns and healthca...

  • Requirements and Options for Rfid in Healthcare

    The European Commision commissioned a "Study on the requirements and options for Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) application in healthcare". The final report provides an assessment of the main drivers, obstacles and uncertainties surrounding the deployment of RFID in healthcare in Europe. It identifies the most promising RFID applications in the healthcare delivery domain by reviewing the costs and b...


Cover Story

  • Healthcare in United Kingdom

    Author Andrew Corbett-Nolan, Chair, Institute ofHealthcare Management, London The United Kingdom (UK) is comprised of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland and is situated within the British Isles. A constitutional monarchy governed from Parliaments in London and Edinburgh, and Assemblies in Cardiff and Belfast, the UK is a stable and mature democracy. Indeed, the current constitutional mon...

  • Healthcare IT in Britain

    Healthcare IT in Britain is today symbolised, rather starkly, by the troubled NHS National Programme for IT (NPfIT). This ambitious initiative was meant to catapult Britain into pole position in the global e-health readiness league. It sought to link more than 30,000 GPs to nearly 300 hospitals, provide comprehensive e-prescribing and develop a centralised medical records system for 50 million patients. Th...



  • On-Demand IT Services

    Author Rob Phillips,Director of Consulting,, USA Software-as-a-service (SaaS) is disrupting the status quo in the software industry while delivering real benefits to support the uniq...


Product Comparison

  • Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS)

    Weltech Centre Ridgeway Welwyn Garden City Herts AL7 2AA United Kingdom Tel: +44 (0)1707 871511 Fax: +44 (0)1707 393138 [email protected] ECRI Institute, a non-profit organisation, de dicates itself to bringing the discipline of applied scientific research in healthcare to uncover the best approaches to improving patient care. As pioneers in this science for nearly 40 years, EC...



  • Databank: A Timely Data Source for Hospital Management

    Author Kevin Reed, Senior Director,Colorado HospitalAssociation, USA. During last autumn’s economic crisis, the American Hospital Association (AHA) turned to the Colorado Hospital Association’s (CHA) DATABANK Programme for timely data...

  • Matching Talent and Jobs

    Author Tom OlivoCEO, HealthcarePerformance Solutions,USA This is how some healthcare IT managers may feel when they go home after a typical day at the hosp...



  • Healthcare IT in the Gulf

    Tosh Sheshabalaya, Rising affluence in the Gulf region over recent decades has been accompanied by a dramatic increase in healthcare IT implementations at a growing number of hospitals. The reasons for this are similar to those in the Western world – to increase the quality of healthcare services. Such a trend is perceptible at both public, State-owned as well as private facilities. Meanwhile, ad...

  • Telecardiology Applications in Italy

    Paolo Zanaboni, Politecnico di Milano, Department of Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering. Cardiovascular illness is the leading cause of mortality due to chronic diseases. In 2005, it accounted for over 17 million out of 35 million deaths worldwide, according to the World Health Organisation. In spite of the high economic burden that ensues, the global response by public health is no...

  • Cloud Computing: Hiye or Hope

    Author E.Sujithis an Industry Analyst,Frost & Sullivan,Healthcare EIA Will it Rain Benefits for Healthcare Organ...

  • Biomedical Engineering and Healthcare IT

    AuthorsDipl. Ing. (FH)Joachim Hiller and Dipl.-Inform. Med.Timo T. Baumann,MBA, Landkreis...

  • Transforming Clinicials' Workflow-The Case for Mobile Point of Care

    Author Igor Jenco andDr. med. Juraj Bazar,DFN Kosice, Pavel Kubu,I...

  • Health IT Stimulus: Obama's Dream or Nightmare

    Author Dr. Miroslav Madjaric,CIO and Advisor to the CEO,University Hospital CenterZagreb, Croatia. In two previous issues, HIT presented an overview of pla...


Country Focus: The UK

  • Healthcare IT in Britain: NHS National Programme for IT (NPFIT)

    Healthcare IT in Britain is today symbolised, rather starkly, by the troubled NHS National Programme for IT (NPfIT). This ambitious initiative was meant to catapult Britain into pole position in the global e-health readiness league. It sought to link more than 30,000 GPs to nearly 300 hospitals, provide comprehensive e-prescribing and develop a centralised medical records system for 50 million patients. Th...