Wed, 28 Sep 2005
Author Caroline Hommez In this issue, we have decided to focus on one of the least excitingly, yet most crucial aspects of ehealth and telemedicine, namely documentation and archiving. All of the broad ehealth intitiatives ongoing in Europe, on national or hospital level, (EPR, PACS,…) rely on a strong, secure, and well organized documentation and archiving system. The main interest of most of th...
University Hospital Erlangen creates Internet-based telematics platform for shared case files in a range of application scenarios The University Hospital Erlangen together with a second surgical centre and more than 90 external eye specialists have entered into an IGV contract (integrated care service - interdisciplinary) for the treatment of cataract and retinal diseases. For the purposes of quality assur...
Author Ragnhild Hellesø, RN, PhD, Associate Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Nursing and Health Sciences, University of Oslo, and Norwegian Research Centre for Electronic Patient Records, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway Email: [email protected] Modernization of healthcare provision has led to increasing differentiation and fragm...
Author Hervé BARGE Program Director / Program Manager Information System - Telemedecine ARH de Franche Comté, CMSIH MAINH Franche Comté: A pioneer in patient medical filing and identification will have a DataCenter for filing medical data at its disposal . Confident since 2000 of the issues of information sharing between the main players in the health system, in order to improve the...
Author Martin Peacock Systems Development Officer Information Management Services Department Mater Misericoridiae University Hospital Dublin, Ireland Email : [email protected] The Mater Misericordiae University Hospital is a charitable voluntary hospital which has been delivering healthcare services to the residents of Dublin and Ireland for almost 150 years. As well as a full range of...
Author Sandra Pfeiffer, Editor-in-Chief, Philips Medical Systems Böblingen, Germany Email: [email protected] When it comes to the ease of use of PACS, technical aspects (software, screen, and so on) are obvious. But the working environment is equally important. Many organisations see furniture and lighting as added costs, rather than as an extra source of value. When setting up a d...
Author Dr. Leonard Witkamp, Director of KSYOS TeleMedical Centre, Amsterdam, The Netherlands Email: [email protected] The broad and upscaled use of telemedicine is hampered by rigid decision structures, slow adaptation processes and concerns for its consequences. Health Management Practice (HMP) addresses these issues by developing, investigating and implementing telemedicine tools in a mod...
Author Dr Andrea Huber Managing Director, Informationsforum RFID e.V. c/o Hartmut Schultz Kommunikation GmbH Munich, Germany Email: [email protected] Today, radio frequency identification (RFID) is increasingly being used in hospital management. RFID increases patient safety and ensures process optimisation. For example, its possible uses range from following up blood bags and l...
Author Catalina Ciolan The recent World of Health IT Conference & Exhibition (WHT’07), held 22-25 October in Vienna, Austria offered, over the course of four days, an array of satellite symposia, perspectives from world leaders, peer-identified educational sessions as well as 59 vendor exhibitors. This year’s supporters were Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS), t...