Advantech,a leading provider of medical computing systems for digital healthcare applications, is pleased to announce the cooperation between Mobitrace and Advantech with regard to the Mobitrace Solution and the Advantech medical tablets, like the MICA-071 Pocket Pad.

Mobitrace, a Belgian company is an innovative healthcare IT provider focusing on software applications for mobile nursing care.  

7” Medical Tablet

The MICA-071 Pocket Pad is a revolutionary, handheld mobile computing platform designed especially for use in mobile healthcare and medical equipment applications such as EMR, BCMA/CLMA, CPOE, PACS and mobile workstation on cart. It is a perfect extension of an existing hospital information system (HIS), and is ideal as a PDA as well. The MICA-071 tablet can be used as a handheld device, but can also be mounted to medical equipment and nursing carts. It’s durable and flexible, with an IP54-rating, running the latest Intel® Atom™ Bay Trail-T processor, and is certified for Microsoft® Windows 8.1 and Windows 10 IoT. The lightweight unit has an embedded 1D/2D barcode scanner, front and rear cameras, and a host of connectivity options.



The Mobitrace solution supports all bed-side activities to be performed by a nurse. This way the hospital can make sure internal procedures are integrated and information about specific protocols is available to the nurse at any moment.

Mobitrace supports a wide range of functionalities that interact with existing LIS (Lab Information System) or EMR systems: medication administration, sample rounds, blood product administration, vital signs registration and EWS (Early Warning System) follow up, patient forms etc. These primary care functions are combined with modules related to patient transport, material logistics, telephony and alarms management. At any moment during the process, the nurse location and location of medical devices can be taken into account using indoor positioning technology.

Mobitrace offers a unique way of combining a maximum of nursing activities on one device, making sure that all registrations are digitally recorded in order to maximize efficiency and be paperless, while minimizing any chance on errors in the process at the same time.


“We are delighted to expand our hardware portfolio with Advantech medical tablets such as the MICA-071. Its larger form factor allows to easily combine the Mobitrace functionalities with Windows applications already in use at the hospitals, typically EMR software”, says Tom Vanden Berk, Managing Partner at Mobitrace.


“With Mobitrace offering an innovative solution for mobile nursing workflows, it was a logical choice for both our companies to work together and to add Advantech’s products to the list of Mobitrace certified hardware.” explains Ard Schalkwijk, Channel Manager at Advantech.

Source & Image Credit: Advantech

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Mobile Solution,Nursing Care, Patient Safety,Advantech,digital healthcare,Mobitrace, MICA-071 Pocket Pad Advantech, a leading provider of medical computing systems for digital healthcare applications, is pleased to announce the cooperation between Mobitrace and Advantech with regard to the Mobitrace Solution and the Advantech medical tablets, like the MICA-0