The Telehealth Campaign is a series of initiatives whose objectives are to increase the collaboration and awareness about telehealth in support of integrated care in Europe amongst all the relevant stakeholders.


The current promoters, representing patients, hospitals, health managers, health insurers and industry are AIM, EHMA, EPF, COCIR, CONTINUA, EHTEL and HOPE. The Telehealth Campaign is calling for submissions of successful Telehealth stories to be part of a brochure titled “Real Telehealth Stories”. The brochure will be disseminated across a wide audience, namely the EU institutions, national and regional policymakers and officials, patients, healthcare professionals and managers, and industry.


If you would like to contribute to the development of Telehealth in Europe and let the world know about your work, then submit your success Telehealth story.

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The Telehealth Campaign is a series of initiatives whose objectives are to increase the collaboration and awareness about telehealth in support of integra...