Top Management Tips, 2016 publishes the latest on cutting edge practice in healthcare management across our Imaging, ICU, Admin, IT and Cardiology platforms contributed from top experts around the world.

We’ve compiled a list of the best management tips we’ve received from our valued contributors in 2015 to inspire you for the New Year. Read on and enjoy!

“Radiate passion! Your passion should flow in the veins of your entire team, customers, partners and all other stakeholders. “

Dr. Sandeep Bansal, CEO of Medic Creations

“I believe in leading by example. I am a hard worker and expect the same from my team. I let them know that I have high (but not unreasonable) standards, and at all times expect excellence. Moreover, by publicly recognising their efforts and achievements, you not only build up their confidence, but also encourage future contributions and effort.”

Professor Elias N. Brountzos, Cardiovascular and Interventional Radiological Society of Europe (CIRSE)

“Get a good management team! It is really easy for me to do this job as President of the British Institute of Radiology. We have a superb management team, who are very motivated. So my tip is: “Choose the right people”.”

Dr. David Wilson, consultant musculoskeletal radiologist, and President of the British Institute of Radiology 2014-2016

“Understand stakeholders’ needs and strategies – sometimes before they are aware of them themselves.”

Morten Elbæk Petersen, CEO,, HIMSS Europe eHealth Leadership Award, 2015

“Surround yourself with talented people.”

Dr. Ross Tsuyuki, Professor of Medicine (Cardiology) and the Director of the Epidemiology Coordinating and Research (EPICORE)


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