Healthcare IT Management (HIT), the Official Journal of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers, is delighted to welcome our new Editorial Board Members:

  • Jacob Hofdijk, Vice President EFMI-IMIA
  • Dr. Andrea Kdolski, former Minister of Health of Austria and Managing Director of PWC
  • Healthcare, Prof. Rudi Van de Velde, CIO of the University Hospital Brussels, and
  • Prof. Jana Zvárová, Director of EUROMICE and Editor-in-Chief of the European Journal for Biomedical Informatics.

The members are elected for the 2011 – 2015 term and with their support and expertise HIT will go from strength to strength. Further information you will find in our editorial board section.

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Healthcare IT Management (HIT), the Official Journal of the European Association of Healthcare IT Managers, is delighted to welcome our new Editorial Boar...