Cluster Development, a cluster-specialist consultancy firm, launches an innovative training action on e-health. Participants will gain both in-depth strategic analysis to empower their member companies, together with success stories and best practices for cluster economic sustainability. As an added value, this action aims to become the seed of a European e-health cluster network.


The advanced training will be centred on the ICT for Healthcare market, neither in BioTechnology nor e-inclusion. It is aimed to personnel working at intermediate organisations like Clusters, Associations, Technological Centres or Living Labs with a focus on ICT or Healthcare.


The trainers will present a study on the current situation on the e-health market, together with a review of the strategies that companies can adopt for competitiveness and growth. It will also study success stories, explaining how they have managed to succeed under different environments. The objective of this section is to provide real-world insight, so that participants will be on a better position to guide e-heatlh companies to choose their business strategy under the current economic situation.


It will also address sustainability topics, that is, sustainable business models for the intermediate organisation itself. It will focus on the identification of projects and services that add value to the e-health companies. The participants will exchange high-value services, best practices and reimbursement models. Initiatives for channelling unsatisfied e-health demand, or identifying local partners for Internationalization will be discussed.


Finally, this action aims to become the seed of the e-health cluster network. Through an active participation, participants will have the opportunity to know each other and identify common interests and challenges. Time will be devoted to jointly identify common project and funding opportunities. A success story of a national eHealth cluster network will also be studied.


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Cluster Development, a cluster-specialist consultancy firm, launches an innovative training action on e-health. Participants will gain both in-depth strat...