Five individuals are vying for a new award, "the healthcare industry leader", which is part of the ehi AWARDS 2017. The new award recognises individuals outside of the IT field who have had an influence on digital healthcare. This year's awards are being co-located for the first time with the ehi LIVE conference and exhibition, which takes place at the NEC in Birmingham on 31 October and 1 November.

“We thought it was important to have a healthcare industry leader award that was decided by the people who matter most: those who work in healthcare IT," according to Jamie Hill, group exhibition director, Informa Life Sciences.

The winner in the "people’s choice" category of this year's ehi awards will be selected from among these five nominees:

- Kim Ryan, a staff midwife at the National Maternity Hospital;
- Dr. Russell Jones, who works at Chorleywood Health Centre and is also associate chair at the Department of Computer Science at Brunel University;
- Dr. Claire Royston, medical director of Four Seasons Health Care;
- Dr. John Steyn, a GP from Lothian; and
- Sarah Judge, a physiotherapist from West Suffolk Hospital NHS Foundation Trust.

 “We are encouraged to have such a diverse range of nominees for people to vote for," said Hill. "We can’t wait to find out who wins at the awards ceremony at the end of the first day of ehi LIVE 2017.”

The shortlist for the ehi AWARDS 2017 was unveiled on 27 September. The individuals and organisations shortlisted for awards will present to a panel of expert judges on 30 October, the day before ehi LIVE 2017, so that the winners can be selected.

The winners will be announced at a presentation on 31 October, the first day of the show, which is celebrating its 10th edition. They will celebrate their success at a new drinks reception, ehi LATE, after which the show will continue for its second day on 1 November.

As well as getting to see who wins the awards, visitors to ehi LIVE will hear from a keynote speaker lineup headed by Will Smart and Keith McNeil, NHS England’s first chief information officer and first chief clinical information officer.

They will be able to choose from nine conference streams that are anchored by the popular integration and interoperability strand, a new NHS Future Leadership Forum, and revamped CIO and CCIO roundtables.

Meanwhile, the exhibition will feature more than 150 companies, showcasing leading products and ideas that are shaping the future of the healthcare industry. Full details and registration on the ehi LIVE 2017 website:

Source: ehi LIVE
Image Credit: ehi LIVE

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digital healthcare, ehi AWARDS 2017, healthcare industry leader Five individuals are vying for a new award, "the healthcare industry leader", which is part of the ehi AWARDS 2017. The new award recognises individuals outside of the IT field who have had an influence on digital healthcare. This year's awards are being