The Chamber of Digital Commerce is co-hosting the “Blockchain in Healthcare Code-A-Thon” in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC).


Participants of Code-A-Thon will develop distributed-ledger-based solutions and applications and that focus on operational issues in U.S. healthcare. These include data aggregation, identity management and data linkage.


“ONC’s participation speaks volumes about the serious, long-term potential application of blockchain to the healthcare sector,” said Perianne Boring, founder and president of the Chamber of Digital Commerce. Boring went on to say that the competition would put the wide-reaching benefits of blockchain and distributed ledger solutions into the spotlight while leading to new healthcare innovation opportunities.


The Code-A-Thon is open to the public and will take place over an intense 24-hour period at Georgetown University. Up to 12 winners will be announced at the opening ceremonies of the DC Blockchain Summit on March 15, 2017. Up to $15,000 will be awarded to the challenge winners; prizes range from $500 – $5000.

See Also:
How Blockchain Can Make HIT More Secure

Expanding the horizon on how blockchain-based applications could be used in healthcare was the aim of the event, said Steve Posnack, ONC’s Director of the Office of Standards and Technology.


Participants will use open-source distributed ledger technology and health-specific standards to address one of the following HIT tracks:


Identity Management: Use of blockchain to support the identity management requirements for application programming interfaces (APIs) for both provider-to-provider and provider-to-patient exchanges.


Metadata Tagging and Policy Expression: Use of blockchain for securing metadata, tagging information and managing access to health information.


Data Aggregation and Linkage: Use of blockchain technology to securely aggregate, link and share patient data.


The “Blockchain in Healthcare Code-A-Thon” has a limit of 100 contestants and 50 attendees who are registered on a first-come-first-serve basis.


For full information, click here. Registration closes March 7, 2017 at 11:59 pm ET.


Source: Chamber of Digital Commerce

Image Credit: Pixabay

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ONC blockchain healthcare Chamber of Digital Commerce Blockchain in Healthcare Code-A-Thon Open call for participants in the "Blockchain in Healthcare Code-A-Thon”